We struggled with a name for the first dog and almost as a joke (a co-worker said…”just name him DOG) it sparked an idea and “DIOGI” became his name. Diogi was a tricolored Shih Tzu, with flowing tan and white with black highlights. With long flowing hair he fairly “flowed” as he ran.
The second dog wasn’t intended, however, our daughter had a Lasso that Diogi really bonded with. When our daughter moved Diogi went into a real decline, wouldn’t eat, moped around and really looked sad. So enter the second dog…a cute little female we named Gigi.
Sixteen years passed…they traveled with us far and wide, were great and loving pets…”family members”.
When they passed we said “no more dogs”….losing them was tough!
A visit to the basket full of these beautiful little puppies, their eyes barely open, and snuggled together in a tight little ball for warmth, resulted in an instant bonding with one…a tri-colored little female.
How about “NOEL” for a name?