Friday, February 18, 2011

About this time of year the endless stream of cold fronts pushing across the Gulf Coast, bringing leaded gray clouds and rain, and this year freezing temperatures, ice and snow, causes dreams of warmer weather and clear water to seep into my mind.

I ran across the video while reading one of the blogs I follow, people who are on the “Great Loop”, which is defined as a journey around the waterway of the US. The start point can be anywhere and ends when the boater has transited the loop back to their starting point...up the east coast, Hudson River, Eire Canal, Great Lakes, Chicago River to the Mississippi, Ohio River, Kentucky Lakes, Tombigbee to the Gulf Coast and around Florida and often onward to the Bahamas...and here I found “Knee Deep in the Bahamas”.

Now with every hint of spring, warmer weather and the occasional robin and cardinals flirting around the bird bath, comes yet another round and reminder that winter (I know a Texas winter isn’t anything like northern winters) is still not passed us by.

So enjoy this moment of dreaming of warm weather and clear waters.

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I hope you will enjoy my early attempts at Blogging, an all new experience to me! I will be experimenting with the format, items to add (hopefully interesting).

I am a retired corporate pilot, thiry nine years of roaming around the world for an oil company. The Good Lord knew we would need oil...unfortunately He put it in difficult places, deserts, jungles, artic regions and every other inhospitable place you can imagin, no five star hotels there!

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee